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3Orange Corporate Apparel & Team Uniforms

  • Client: 3Orange
  • Filled Under: Brand Identity, Web Design

3Orange is a corporate apparel and team uniform company located in Orlando, FL. They launched this company after success with the sister company, JennaBenna. The main goal was to create a brand and website that showed their committment to customer experience and their detailed attention to the trending styles in workplace wear and team uniforms.

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The graphics on their website are created to echo their branding. We also set a "team" feel and tone for the site so that potential clients would be inspired to join the 3Orange team.

From custom branding and website design, product pages, and textual elements, the 3Orange brand looks professional, but they also communicate that they are the "boutique" brand for corporate and team uniforms. With this positioning, 3Orange can successfully stand out in their market.